22 Feb 2011

Brazil increases cooperation in S&T projects under FP7

The Brazilian Bureau for Enhancing the International Cooperation with the European Union (BB.Bice) and the European Union Delegation of Brazil have provided an online version of the video showing the Brazilian participation in the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Union. The material is intended to make available scientific and technological information in the development of research cooperation and collaboration between Brazilian and European institutions in the context of FP7.

The film is part of a special DVD that also contains a publication with detailed information on the projects with Brazilian participation approved in the FP7. The publication also provides an overview of bilateral agreements in science and technology signed between Brazil and the European Union. In the video, Gilson Schwartz from USP, the Brazilian partner of PRO-IDEAL PLUS (PI +) explains the importance of EU-Brazil research cooperation for mutual benefits between both regions. PI + is one of the projects funded under the FP7-ICT Programme to promote cooperation between Europe and Latin America, including Brazil, in the ICT area.

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