It was the first of a set of two Round Tables, which Pro-Ideal-Plus is organizing also in the other partner-countries of the project. 15 ICT-key-stakeholders from the academia, the private and the governmental sector attended the event.
The most relevant results of the three main-topics were:
1. ICT-priorities for RTD
There is a need to determine the areas in which Mexico is ready to initiate actions and those areas in which medium term development is required.
2. Development of human resources
Mechanisms to provide incentives for people with academic or entrepreneurial talent to participate in ICT-RTD-programs like the FP7 were proposed.
3. ICT-infrastructure
There is a need to establish the position of Mexico in the ICT value chain (definition of the present and future position in concern) as well as to develop indicators and statistics on activities of the sector.
The event was led by PhD Miguel Gonzalez Mendoza, coordinator of Pro-Ideal-Plus Mexico, PhD Neil Hernández Gress, the NCP-ICT of Mexico and PhD Héctor Sámano Rocha, Director of UEMEXCYT.
More information (in Spanish)
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